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binary model (after Public Enemy)

Nolan Oswald Dennis
binary model (after Public Enemy), 2021
altered PET plastic globe model, synthetic stone finish and black primer with welded steel, spent charcoal and gypsum base
Work: 162 x 28 x 28 cm

binary model (after Public Enemy) forms part of Dennis' body of work, conditions, which is centred around the spherical globe, an idealised figure of the planet in Western cosmology which is seamless, smooth, unitary and knowable. Counter to this image of the world, Dennis proposes a series of transformations of the sphere, stretching and distorting the model in order to find space for other worlds, other world possibilities. He explains; “A materialist account of change considers the interaction between two forces, a dialectic between objective conditions, which is the situation of the world as we find it. Let's say the structures of alienation, exploitation, distribution of resources and violence. So, there’s a dialectic between these objective conditions and subjective conditions, which are the conscious organisations of history, technology, material and metaphysics, in order to either maintain or transform those objective conditions on the planet.”