Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum Homing Device, 2015 10 channel video installation with sound, screens, projection and wall drawing
Homing device is a 10-channel video installation. The animations were created by making collages from 19th century photography pioneer Eadweard Muybridge’s animal motion studies. The work includes audio by Kwelagobe Sekele who created the sound using samples of various sonar, radar, and other military tracking and communication technologies. At one level, Homing device is a musing on the science of various phenomena of avian flight such as the murmurations of starlings, and the mysteriously accurate navigational abilities of homing pigeons. A more subtle reading, however, reveals a longing for one’s own ‘place’. Making reference to global positioning and navigation devices, Homing device is meant to activate one’s own personal return to an ever shifting home-place.