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Hasan & Husain Essop / Refuge / 2017

15 July - 19 August 2017
Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg

Goodman Gallery Johannesburg 15 July – 19 August 2017

In Refuge, twin South African artists Hasan and Husain Essop address the cultural conflicts surrounding questions of national belonging that have spawned from the Syrian refugee crisis.

From the perspective of young Muslims living in the Islamic diaspora, the Essops have produced new works that investigate mainstream media representations of the refugee crisis according to the perception that there is increasing misunderstanding and fear of Islam in the secular world.


Acrylic paint and charcoal on wood
Single-channel HD video
Acrylic paint on charcoal and wood
Pigment inks on cotton paper
Lightjet C-print on archival paper
160 x 110 cm
Lightjet C-print on archival paper
Pigment inks on cotton rag paper
Pigment inks on cotton rag paper
100 x 150 cm / 90 x 130 cm
Pigment inks on cotton rag paper
100 x 150 cm / 90 x 130 cm
Lightjet C-print on archival paper
160 x 110 cm
Pigment inks on cotton rag paper
Lightjet C-print on archival paper
Work: 90 x 249 cm
Lightjet C-print on archival paper
Pigment inks on cotton rag paper
Pigment inks on cotton rag paper
90 x 130 cm
Pigment inks on cotton rag paper
90 x 130 cm
Pigment inks on cotton rag paper
Pigment inks on cotton rag paper
100 x 150 cm / 90 x 130 cm
Pigment inks on cotton rag paper
100 x 150 cm / 90 x 130 cm
Pigment inks on cotton paper